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Referrals now available for Home Care Package Clients

Oct 25, 2022, 15:56 PM by User Not Found
Female Indigo staff assisting older female exercising in lounge roomIndigo is pleased to announce our Allied Health team (Aged Care) are now taking referrals for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy for individuals in receipt of a home care package (HCP).

Our experienced health professionals can provide assessment and prescription for home modifications, assistive technology (equipment and devices), reablement therapy programs, mobility, and short-term exercise programs to support continued independent living in a safe environment and individual goals.

These services are available in the Perth metropolitan region and regional WA.

If you would like to know how our Allied Health team could work in partnership with you, and how you can use your HCP funding to access Indigo’s services, contact us at help@indigosolutions.org.au or call our customer service team on (08) 9381 0600.